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VICTORIAN COLLECTIONS: Digitisation fundamentals

This online workshop provides an introduction to the fundamentals of collection digitisation. Topics covered include:   

  • Digitisation: what and why 

  • Planning 

  • Equipment  

  • Photography basics

  • Image capture 

  • Post-production 

The workshop will conclude with a hands-on digitisation session. 

Victorian Collections workshops offer a relaxed and open environment and cater for participants with any degree of museum and computer literacy, as well as ongoing cataloguing support for community museums, and small to medium-sized collections. 

This workshop is designed for users who are new to collection digitisation. For any questions relating to this workshop, please contact the Victorian Collections team by submitting a ticket to our Helpdesk


  • AMaGA members | $20

  • Students | $20

  • Non-member volunteer-run organisations | $20

  • Non-member paid organisations | $30

15 October

MEMBER EVENT: Grant showcase

24 October

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